This piece is progressing slowly but it's coming along. Getting the details is important, but hard. I need to be true to my impressionistic style... but you can't fool horse people and they will know immediately if an artist doesn't know the subject!
Progress is being made on this polo piece. I've been working on several small works at the same time and I'll post those later, as well. They are definitely not serious pieces!
Goodness! Look who's popped in to join us! You know I just can't keep the barnyard out of my studio. This piece is in progress, and it's about 4" x 6", mixed media...hand painted paper, gel pens, crayons, markers, and whatever strikes my fancy at any given moment.
Can you see what's happening now? The story will unfold bit by bit.
Here is the new one just started. It is on heavy watercolor paper, gessoed and painted with red acrylic. I am using oil pastel again. Polo is so popular here in Aiken, and, as of last count, there are forty eight public and private polo fields in the area. Stay tuned to see this one evolve.
The Trot Out is just about finished. Did I leave anything out? Should I take out, or put in, anything? This will go to the photographer tomorrow and then to the framer. As with the painting before, you get a discount for watching the blog and the price to you is $500. The website price will be $700. On to the next one!
Here's the next step in this painting. I hope to have the colors jump out at you when it's finished, and that you can tell that the man and horse have their feet in the air. When the shadows are put down, that will help. But patience, patience. That comes later. I'm afraid this snapshot doesn't show the current, true colors.
I've started this painting on illustration board primed with turquoise acrylic. It's about 14" x 14", and it is inspired by watching the horses at a driving competition being trotted out in front of the judges and veterinarians for a soundness check before the rigors of the competition begin. I'm laying in the base colors and these paintings are always a surprise to me, so we'll see where it goes.
It's finished! It's name is "Love Among Friends" and please let me know if you see something that needs correcting. This one is approximately 16" x 19" and the price to you all is $850, plus framing and shipping, before it goes onto the website and the general public for $1150. So, off to the photographer it goes. I wish you could see it in the's much nicer than in this snapshot.
Hi, everyone. This piece is getting close to being finished. I have had a lot of fun painting this, especially the expressions. The green on the bottom has to rest a little as the oil pastel in that particular color is very soft and needs to firm up before I can lay anything on top and have it stay. And, guess what? The whiskers and details can finally be added...the best part! Love and trust know no boundaries with these friends.
The layers have to rest a bit so I can add more without smudging. The whiskers are hard to resist painting in, but I have to be patient and do them last to make sure that the colors under them will be permanent. and friendship! These two are best buddies and trust each other completely. A lesson to us all! More under layers are falling into place with texture building up, as well.
Here is the beginning of an oil pastel on a green acrylic ground, about 18" x 18", and this one is a hoot to paint! The bottom layers are being laid in and, hopefully, this will "purr" right along.
Belle is most likely finished. There is a little surprise in the painting...can you find it? It will go to the photographer tomorrow, then framed, and sent to Belle to put on the wall of her crate to relax her into napping.