Hello, everyone. Sorry for being so quiet. With heavy heart, I have to report that Chloe, the Corgi model for Let's Ride Diver Dogs, died Saturday night at home with the other dogs and me at her side. She started getting ill about ten days ago with fluid in her lungs and we couldn't stop it. I'm now trying to work myself through the grief with producing this last painting for delivery to the Sporting Art Show tomorrow. This one is called: "I Don't Need No Stinkin' Jockey...with apologies to Humphrey Bogart in The Treasure of the Sierra Madre and Mel Brooks' Blazing Saddles". I know...I have an off beat sense of humor. I didn't take the time to document this one from the beginning because of caring for Chloe, but it has an under painting of reddish pink acrylic to complement the other colors. This one started out as an 18" x 24" on gesso board, and then I realized that the focus on the subject was competing with the extra space. So, with the help of a friend who can really weild a power saw, the board was brought down to about 16" x 18", and is more pleasing in composition now.
Even in the time of sorrow, one must always try to find something to laugh about. When I took Chloe to be cremated, I told the vet that, when I go, I will have a really big urn because all the dogs will be in there with me!
It's late, I'm exhausted and I'm going to bed...thank you for your support and fun comments.
I'm so sorry to hear about Chloe, Louise. I went through something similar with my Brittany - he died ten years ago on Jan. 31. Take care!!
Hi, Louise--
So sorry to hear about Chloe. Like Chloe, we're all here for only a brief time before being gathered up to the big doghouse in the sky-- the best we can hope for is the right sort of companionship to make our stay here as agreeable as possible. Chloe certainly had that, so, after the pain of parting passes, the memories she leaves you with should always be good for a smile. Talk to you soon!
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